Welcome to the FezGuys' Threaded Discussion Area

At the top of the page is a list of "TOPICS" as well as a "MESSAGE LIST" that corresponds to each topic. If you click on a topic of interest, previously posted messages refering to that topic will be displayed. You can scroll through these and simply read the many differing opinions expresses or you can post a new message or you can reply to posted messages.

To post a message, first click on the topic, then click on the "POST NEW MESSAGE" button located in the middle tool bar. When the "NEW MESSAGE" form appears, provide the information requested, enter your message in the "MESSAGE" window, and click on the "SUBMIT MESSAGE" button. Finally, click on the "REFRESH MESSAGES" button located in the middle tool bar to post the message in the "MESSAGE LIST".

To reply to a message, first click on the topic, then click on the message of interest in the "MESSAGE LIST". That message will appear in the "CURRENT MESSAGE" window. First, click on the "REPLY TO MESSAGE" button. When the "REPLY TO MESSAGE" form appears, provide the information requested, enter your message in the "MESSAGE" window, and then click on the "SUBMIT MESSAGE" button. Finally, click on the "REFRESH MESSAGES" button located in the middle tool bar to refresh the "MESSAGE LIST" with any new messages which may have been posted.

To display the entire text of your message in the "MESSAGE" window as you are entering it, be sure to hit "RETURN" as the text reaches the right margin: there is no text wrap feature.